drs. Pieter Christiaan van Prooijen Chartered Valuator, CPVA
T: +31 (0)6 301 54 753
E: VanProoijen@Hermes-Advisory.com
Pieter Christiaan is regularly appointed as a legal expert by the judiciary and by parties in proceedings where the value of an object is at the centre of the debate.
At Hermes Advisory, Pieter Christiaan provides economic and statistical analyses and expert opinions to support national and international legal proceedings. In addition to litigation support, Pieter Christiaan has carried out financial restructuring on behalf of many companies.
Pieter Christiaan started his career at PwC Business Recovery Services. In this team, he carried out cost reduction and financial restructuring on behalf of numerous companies. In 2005 he joined the Global Leveraged Finance Team at Fortis Bank. During the credit crisis, Pieter Christiaan worked in the international investment bank restructuring team at Fortis/ABN AMRO. Since 2011, Pieter Christiaan has been a partner of Hermes Advisory, where he mainly focuses on economic valuations in disputes and financial restructuring on behalf of companies.
He regularly teaches lawyers (Valuation in Disputes, Negotiating in Financial Restructuring, Valuation of Intellectual Property, Valuation of Companies in the event of a divorce).
In addition to his university degree in business economics, Pieter Christiaan also completed postgraduate studies in Forensic Accountancy at the NIVRA/Nyenrode School of Accountancy and the University of Leiden, and Business Valuation at the Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University. Pieter Christiaan is registered as a Chartered Business Valuator with the Netherlands Institute for Business Valuators (NIRV) and as a valuation expert and finance specialist at the National Register of Judicial Experts (LRGD).